Can You Put Babysitting on a Resume? Tips and Tricks for Highlighting Your Childcare Experience

Are you struggling to figure out how to include your babysitting experience on your resume? Look no further! As a caregiver, you have gained valuable skills and experience that can be highlighted on your resume to make you stand out to potential employers. In this blog post, we will dive into tips and tricks for showcasing your childcare experience on your resume. We will explore the importance of highlighting your babysitting experience, provide background information on why it is beneficial, and offer a brief structure for organizing your resume. By the end, you will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to effectively showcase your babysitting experience on your resume. So, let’s navigate through this topic and embark on the journey of enhancing your resume with your childcare experience.

Key Takeaways:

  • Babysitting can be a valuable experience to include on a resume, as it demonstrates important skills such as responsibility, time management, and communication.
  • When listing babysitting on a resume, be sure to include specific details such as the ages of the children, any special needs or tasks you were responsible for, and the length of time you worked for each family.
  • Highlight any relevant certifications or training you have received, such as CPR or first aid, as well as any related experience such as volunteering at a daycare or working as a camp counselor.
  • Use strong action verbs and specific examples to showcase your skills and accomplishments as a babysitter, such as managing multiple children, handling emergencies, and creating engaging activities.
  • Be honest and accurate in your descriptions, and be prepared to provide references from families you have babysat for.
  • Overall, including babysitting on a resume can be a great way to showcase your childcare experience and stand out to potential employers in related fields.


Babysitting Experience:

Babysitter, ABC Family, Anytown, USA
June 2018 – Present
– Cared for two children, ages 3 and 6, on a regular basis
– Prepared meals and snacks for the children
– Engaged in educational and fun activities with the children, such as arts and crafts, reading, and outdoor play
– Ensured the children’s safety at all times
– Communicated with parents about the children’s daily activities and any concerns
– Maintained a clean and organized environment for the children

Babysitter, XYZ Family, Anytown, USA
September 2016 – May 2018
– Provided occasional care for three children, ages 2, 5, and 8
– Assisted with homework and school projects
– Supervised playtime and outdoor activities
– Prepared and served meals for the children
– Followed parents’ instructions for bedtime routines
– Built a strong rapport with the children and their parents, resulting in regular requests for my services

– Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
– Ability to multitask and handle multiple children at once
– Knowledge of first aid and CPR
– Familiarity with age-appropriate activities and games
– Responsible and reliable
– Flexible schedule and availability for last-minute requests

Available upon request.

Can You Put Babysitting on a Resume? Tips and Tricks for Highlighting Your Childcare Experience

The Short Answer

Yes, you can absolutely put babysitting on your resume. In fact, it can be a valuable addition to your work experience, especially if you are applying for a job that involves working with children or requires strong communication and multitasking skills. However, it’s important to know how to properly highlight your babysitting experience on your resume to make it stand out to potential employers. In this article, we’ll discuss some tips and tricks for effectively showcasing your childcare experience on your resume.

1. Use a Relevant Job Title

When listing your babysitting experience on your resume, it’s important to use a job title that accurately reflects your role. Instead of simply listing “babysitter,” consider using a more specific title such as “childcare provider” or “nanny.” This will not only make your resume more professional, but it will also show that you take your role as a caregiver seriously.

2. Highlight Your Responsibilities and Accomplishments

Just like any other job, babysitting involves a variety of responsibilities and tasks. When listing your babysitting experience on your resume, be sure to highlight the specific duties you performed, such as meal preparation, transportation, and homework help. Additionally, if you have any notable accomplishments, such as successfully managing a difficult situation or receiving positive feedback from parents, be sure to include those as well.

3. Emphasize Your Skills

Babysitting requires a unique set of skills, including patience, communication, and multitasking. These skills are highly transferable to many other jobs, so be sure to highlight them on your resume. For example, you can mention your ability to effectively communicate with children and parents, your patience in handling challenging situations, and your strong multitasking skills.

4. Include Relevant Certifications or Training

If you have any certifications or training related to childcare, be sure to include them on your resume. This can include CPR and first aid certifications, as well as any courses or workshops you have taken on child development or early childhood education. These certifications and training programs show that you are committed to providing high-quality care and are constantly seeking to improve your skills.

5. Use Numbers and Metrics

Employers love to see quantifiable results on a resume. If you have been babysitting for a while, you may have some impressive numbers to showcase. For example, you can mention the number of children you have cared for, the length of time you have been with a particular family, or the number of positive reviews you have received from parents. These numbers can help demonstrate your experience and success as a babysitter.

6. Tailor Your Resume to the Job

As with any job application, it’s important to tailor your resume to the specific job you are applying for. If you are applying for a job that involves working with infants, be sure to highlight your experience with newborns and infants. If the job requires strong organizational skills, mention your ability to manage multiple children and tasks at once. By tailoring your resume to the job, you can show potential employers that you are a perfect fit for the position.


Babysitting can be a valuable addition to your resume, as it demonstrates your ability to handle responsibility, communicate effectively, and multitask. By following these tips and tricks, you can effectively highlight your childcare experience and stand out to potential employers. Remember to use a relevant job title, highlight your responsibilities and accomplishments, emphasize your skills, include relevant certifications or training, use numbers and metrics, and tailor your resume to the job. With these strategies, you can showcase your babysitting experience in a way that will impress any employer.

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